Travelling with a baby

Travelling with your baby

I know a lot of people avoid travelling with small babies but my experience is that smaller babies are very portable (get baby used to sleeping in a pram and you can enjoy time sunbathing with a baby who is napping regularly!) Personally, I think the hardest time to travel with children is between crawling and 2 years old – when they are mobile but have no sense of danger – but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done either!  Between those ages I found taking a travel cot invaluable as you can use it as a playpen by the pool – just add some toys – this gives you a little rest knowing they are safe.

Even when your baby is in the perfect routine, travelling (especially across different time zones) can throw up a number of challenges. Having spent many years travelling across the globe as a nanny for professional golfers, I have picked up plenty of tips for travelling with a baby. I hope you find some of them useful.

Before you go

List your essentials

Useful things to consider taking are: a buggy, carrier sling (you’ll need this at the airport if you are checking in the buggy), travel cot, first aid kit, medicines and sun protection, travel black out blinds, steriliser and bottles (if using) and baby’s formula. It’s also a good idea to have some travel wash – it’s surprising how many sets of clothes babies can go through and being able to wash a few essentials will save a lot of packing space. Don’t forget inflatables for the pool, swimming nappies and sun protecting suits/hats if you are going somewhere hot.

Pack for every eventuality in your carry-on luggage

Think two changes of clothes, bottles of water, food, dummies, quiet toys, books, new activities for your child to discover, sachets of Nurofen and Calpol…There is a lot to be prepared for! Top tip: When it comes to liquids in your hand luggage, even if bottles are over the 100ml limit, you can usually still take them as long as you’re willing to drink some of it. Sealed cartons or powder are also fine.

Check your luggage limits

You are only entitled to one carry-on bag and your baby (if under 2) is not usually entitled to any so your handbag will need to be included in the baby’s bag. Most airlines will allow you to check in a sealed pack of nappies as well as your luggage. Do remember, however, that you will be able to buy nappies, wipes, food etc. once you reach your destination. Most airlines will also allow you to take two pieces of baby equipment free of charge (e.g. a pushchair and car seat or a car seat and travel cot).

Take a good pushchair

If you want your child to sleep in their pushchair while away, make sure it’s a good one. I know a lot of people opt for light-weight strollers rather than the big travel systems, but it can be very hard to sleep in these if they are not used to them. This can be restrictive when you want your child to sleep while you sunbathe or eat out.If you have a two-part pushchair (e.g. Bugaboo or iCandy), it’s best to check this in with the suitcase rather than leave it at the door of the plane, which means you will need a baby carrier for the airport.

Have all your documentation in order

Your baby will need a passport – gone are the days when children can travel on their parents’ passports! A baby’s first passport can take 5-10 weeks to process, so make sure you leave plenty of time. Be ready for the joys of getting a good passport photo from your baby – you can do this at home, a white sheet on the floor with baby lying on it is the easiest way.

Plan your journey around your baby’s present schedule

If you need to be at the airport for 3pm but your baby usually sleeps from 12-2pm, then leave at midday so your baby can sleep in the car. Starting your journey with a well-rested baby will definitely help to prevent meltdowns at the airport!

At the airport and during the flight

 Leave plenty of time

Travelling with a baby is very, very different to travelling on your own. You will need to allow for feeds, nappy changes, dropping off pushchairs and oversized baggage and other baby-related tasks. You will also be the first to board the plane. The time at the airport will fly by and there probably won’t be time for shopping!

Prepare for sleep

If your baby is used to a swaddle or sleeping bag, then ensure you take this on the plane. It’s in your interest to make your child comfortable, keep them warm and able to rest on the flight.

Car seat comfort

For a child who has their own seat on the plane (and remember you can opt to pay for children under two years old to have their own seat), you can take your car seat on board and strap them into it. Smaller babies and children will be more comfortable this way and therefore better able to sleep well on the flight.

Taking the car seat on the flight means you will have it with you at the other end. This is something you may well be pleased about when you see the hire costs in some destinations!

Happy landings

Ensure your baby is feeding (breast, bottle or sips of water) during take off and landing to help with their ears. Take Calpol just in case they are uncomfortable.

Keep up fluids

Your child will need plenty of fluids on the plane – it’s dehydrating!

Once you are at your destination

Familiarity is key

It’s a good idea to take along any items your child uses habitually for comfort or sleep. Don’t forget their swaddle or sleeping bag! The more familiar your baby is with their surroundings at bed time, the less chance their sleep will be affected by the change.

Also, remember to take other sleep cues such as music (there are great phone apps available) and maybe a sheet from home for the travel cot. Note that even in very hot countries, the rooms can get cold at night so make sure you take warm bedding and pyjamas.

The first night of your holiday you may want to stay in the room while your child goes to sleep to provide a little reassurance in their new surroundings. Sit in the room, read a book or potter around (unpacking) so they can see you, but try not to focus your attention on them. The next night you should be able to walk out of the room as you do at home, and it’s especially important to do this with older babies and toddlers.

Keep in mind your time zone

If your destination is within two hours of your own time zone, I usually advise for your baby to stay on UK time (especially when going forward because you will get a lie in!). Staying on UK time makes it easier for you and for them.

When going further afield, it’s best to just go for it. Don’t try and adapt the routine by a few hours per day. As soon as you board the airplane, try as much as possible to go by your destination time. I usually find babies adapt far better than we do to jet lag – they are often on new time within a couple of days. The key to this working is to keep them awake in their ‘daytime’ hours, if they need a nap when they shouldn’t be asleep then only let them have a few minutes.

Keep the evening routine

When going out in the evening, keep your child’s bedtime routine as usual. Once you have completed your usual night time rituals, put them into their swaddle or sleeping bag and then straight into the pushchair. Fingers crossed, as you wheel them out to dinner, they should drift off and stay asleep while you eat.

Hydration, hydration

If it is hot, remember to offer plenty of fluids. For breastfed babies this may mean more feeds or even considering feeding on demand in order to ensure baby stays hydrated.

Whatever happens while you’re away, remember, anything can be fixed once you arrive back home. It is practically impossible to undo any good routines and habits in just a week or two, so try and enjoy yourself. If this means resorting to survival tactics such as co-sleeping or night feeding then so be it. All this can be reversed (with a little persuasion and consistency) on your return home.

Sun cream application

We all know it’s vital to apply sun cream but doing this to a wriggling toddler can be like taming a snake! The best way to apply sun cream to a bigger baby or toddler is with them facing away from you. This way you can have more control, and it will make the process easier to manage. Opt for a factor 50 plus and re-apply regularly, especially if they will be in the water. Always have babies in a hat and if your older toddler has their hair parted then ensure you don’t forget to protect the parting too.

The testimonial below shows that you can even complete a sleep training program when you are travelling. This family, as with many that I have worked with, did a lot of travelling during the training. I have completed sleep training with families that have emigrated, moved house, gone on holidays, lived between two countries and they have all worked. Babies adapt well to change, as long as there are consistent things in place.

If you have a good routine, a good bed time routine, sleep triggers that you can carry over to wherever you go such as music or white noise, a sentence that you say and maybe even a sheet that smells like home babies do adapt well.

Children benefit from holidays just as much as we do. Different experiences, families together, more time from you with no work and parents being more relaxed – don’t shy away from these special times just because you’re worried about what might (not) happen.



Hannah came into our life when our little one was about 6 months. She changed our life in so many ways and we can’t thank her or recommend her enough. I sometimes joked with my husband saying that every family should be entitled to a Hannah when they have their first baby.
Our life then looked like this: a very happy family but all of us exhausted and desperate for better sleep. Rowan was only sleeping in the pushchair outside during daytime (imagine pushing the pram for 4 hours every day!!), it was taking me about 2 hours to put him to sleep in the evening and some nights he would wake up every hour. I laugh now looking back and thinking that when he woke up 4-5 times a night I used to call that a good night. 

My husband and I rarely shared a meal as we were trying to maximise sleep. We were so exhausted that we couldn’t even pull ourselves to change anything we were doing in terms of his sleep programme. There was so much information online that we were often left confused. We decided to go with Hannah based on the testimonials we found online. I am thankful to other parents who gave us the confidence to approach her. She was definitely the 4th member we were missing in our family. Fast forward, we now have a baby that sleeps through the night, eats very well (and that is also thanks to Hannah’s meal planner), sleeps in his cot during the day and me and my husband can enjoy a nice meal over a glass of wine in the evening. The best thing is that we had been travelling a lot with Rowan during the sleep training and Hannah managed to keep us well on track with his training. Improvements were made from second day of the training. Hats off to Hannah! That is not to say that we have always been perfect. We made mistakes along the way, but it is nice to know that you have someone to support you during the training and beyond, whenever you need to reach out and be reassured.

I hope you will find this useful from a parent that now truly appreciates the importance of giving your little one the gift of good sleep…and having time to yourself as well.

Anca, Peter & Rowan

Picture of Hannah Love

Hannah Love

Hi I’m Hannah Love, I’ve spent the last 25 years helping families with their babies and children.

Being a parent in today’s world has its challenges! Throw in sleep deprivation and many can struggle to cope.

I am here to show you that parenting doesn’t need to be exhausting. More importantly, juggling work, life and a baby can be a pleasure. You can be a gentle parent, have a baby who sleeps well and who fits into your lifestyle – whatever that is to you. You never need to leave your baby to cry it out to teach them to sleep well.