Parenting Courses

Your little one is teething, what do you? They’re about to start weaning, how do you do it? They seem like they want a dummy, should you give it to them? They’re nearly 3, they should probably be potty trained, right?

Unlike everything else in the world, babies don’t come with an instruction manual, so what are you supposed to do when every week there seems to be a different challenge?

You’re not alone and this is why I’ve created a series of ‘Parenting courses’ designed to help you tackle the most common parenting problems, from newborn to toddler.

Courses for the most common parenting issues.

Dummy Removal Course

A step-by-step course to help remove your little one's dummy with confidence....

Potty Training Course

A step-by-step course to successfully potty train your toddler the first time...

Fussy Eating Course

A step-by-step course to understand, prevent, and overcome fussy eating in children...

Weaning Course

A step-by-step course to confidently guide your baby through their weaning journey...

Back to Work Course

A step-by-step course to help you confidently transition back to work after maternity leave....

Separate Feeding From Sleep Course

A step-by-step guide to separating feeding from your baby's sleep...

Toddler Behaviour Course

A step-by-step course to help understand and encourage positive behaviour in your toddler....

Take a Bottle Course

A step-by-step course to help your baby successfully transition from only taking the breast to accepting the bottle...

Illness and Teething Course

A step-by-step course to help your baby through illness and teething while protecting their sleep...

Early Weaning Course

A step-by-step course to help you make informed decisions about early weaning...

My unique and proven C.A.L.M approach


“Trying everything” never works. Consistency is key to making effective changes. By sticking to one reliable method, you can reduce anxiety and increase your confidence in the process.


I make sure my advice is realistic and achievable for both you and your baby. My programs are kind, gentle, and designed to let you progress at your own pace.


My practical solutions are nurturing and supportive. You should never feel pressured to leave your baby to cry or to withhold comfort during transitions.


My approach includes 13 small, manageable steps, allowing you to join at any stage. This flexibility is reflected in my five-star ratings on Trustpilot and glowing testimonials.

Free sleep and parenting guides.

Get access to a range of free guides designed to help you with the most common sleep and parenting problems.

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