New Year, New Routine

Over the summer people’s mindsets often become more ‘go with the flow’. Parents, as much as everyone else, enjoy the long evenings, sunny days out, holidays and relaxing.

The shorter nights make having a sleepless baby slightly less painful and usually Dads have some annual leave to help with the burden too. Parents often put off change and want to enjoy this time of year.

Sure, January 1st may mark the start of the calendar year but actually it’s more about the New Year’s celebrations, no one actually welcomes January and its long nights, cold days, the most depressing day of the year, the longest wait for payday and the same school year for children. To be honest this ‘new’ year doesn’t feel fresh or new for many of us!

In contrast, the beginning of September brings the start of autumn, often an ‘Indian summer’ descends (my sister always has sunshine on her birthday), we still have the benefit of longer evenings, the trees start to turn, we get some lovely crisp mornings, children are back into new classrooms, with their new stationery (I always loved that feeling!) and this is often the time to take charge, get inspired, to tackle those goals you’ve been meaning to get around to, including finally committing to sorting out your baby’s sleep!

Basically, what I am saying is, forget those January New Year’s resolutions. NOW is the time to make those fresh starts, while you have the energy and positivity that summer has given you!

Need a little more convincing? Read on:

  • By starting now you’ll have your baby sleeping well before the clocks go back in October. Once those long nights and dark evenings descend the last thing you want to be doing is battling with a baby that won’t sleep.
  • If you’ve been putting off potty training your 2 year old NOW is the time to do it. You probably have one or two warm weekends left and potty training in the winter is much harder.
  • Toddler tantrums? If you feel like you’ve spent your holidays battling with your strong willed mini-me then tackle it now, the last thing you need is a toddler that’s brattling out (can I actually use that saying?!) with relatives at Christmas!
  • Are you expecting or have you just had a baby? In the UK September is the most popular month for births (maybe due, in part, to the other ‘new year’!). There are so many things you can do from the start of your parenting journey to encourage good sleep (I am not talking about sleep training a newborn). If you’d like to know more look back at my social media posts from the last 2 weeks where I focused on newborn sleep.
  • If your baby is approaching weaning age and you’ve been putting off deciding when and how to start (it comes around so quickly!) I can help. Not only have I weaned over 20 babies when nannying and as a mummy, I am also a qualified Nutritional Therapist and Paediatric Nurse! You are in safe hands.


I’ve been helping babies to sleep well for 15 years now and my busiest months, by far, are September and January – further proving my points. Interestingly (but not surprisingly) June and July are extremely quiet, which is absolutely perfect for me as a working mummy! (I know I love my ‘job’ J).

This year is so different for me as, unlike when I was only working 1:1 and had to limit the number of people I could help in January and September, now I can help anyone that needs it.

This year I can help everyone that needs me, and I have a workshop or course to match anyone’s needs and budgets. You can join my growing community here.

I am also excited to announce that soon I will be running my first online parenting festival ‘Eat, Sleep, Parent, Repeat’. At this 3 day online event you will have access to over 10 training, drop-in clinics on all different sorts of parenting subjects, including potty training, weaning, sleep, toddler behaviour, newborn sleep, cookery classes and much more, all for FREE.

You can keep updated by following my social media and you’ll be sent details as soon as the Facebook community and ‘line up’ goes live!

Picture of Hannah Love

Hannah Love

Hi I’m Hannah Love, I’ve spent the last 25 years helping families with their babies and children.

Being a parent in today’s world has its challenges! Throw in sleep deprivation and many can struggle to cope.

I am here to show you that parenting doesn’t need to be exhausting. More importantly, juggling work, life and a baby can be a pleasure. You can be a gentle parent, have a baby who sleeps well and who fits into your lifestyle – whatever that is to you. You never need to leave your baby to cry it out to teach them to sleep well.